(For Writing Program money matters, please follow the guidelines and processes in this document.)

Please send English Program reimbursement requests to Latricia (lar23@case.edu).

All receipts and reimbursement requests must be submitted within 30 days of purchase or travel. Anything after that cannot be guaranteed to be reimbursed. *The end of the Fiscal Year is June 30, 2025; you should have all receipts submitted by June 20, 2025 so they can have them in the system before the end of the Fiscal Year.

The last 4 digits of your credit card number should appear on all of your receipts. If they do not, please provide a copy of your credit card/bank statement. On the statement all you need to show is your name, the last 4 digits of your account number, and the item you purchased; anything else can be crossed out.

For general questions about travel reimbursements and expense reimbursement requests not covered below, please contact Latricia Robinson-Allen (lar23@case.edu or 216-368-2340) or look at this FAQ link. Prior to booking your hotel and car rentals, click here to see Case Western Reserve University’s preferred hotel and car rental agencies.

Reimbursement procedure for travel:

    • For domestic travel, a domestic Travel Authorization Form must be completed and approved by the Chair (weh38@case.edu).
    • For international travel, an international Travel Authorization Form must be approved by Associate Dean Daniel Goldmark, dig5@case.edu.
    • If your travel is being funded by a Grant or another department, please provide the speedtype (an account number beginning with OPR, END, or OSA) on the Travel Funds Request Form.
    • A Statement of Travel Form/Expense Report Form  must be submitted with your receipts for reimbursement. All receipts for travel and expense reimbursement must be scanned and submitted in ONE PDF file. Multiple receipt attachments will not be accepted.
    •  In lieu of keeping meal receipts, you can request to use the meal allowance ($13-breakfast, $16-lunch, $35-dinner; total per day: $64).
    • If you are requesting reimbursement for mileage, you must submit a Google Map showing the mileage.

Non-travel reimbursements:

  •  Meals: you must submit an Expense-Report-Form and an itemized receipt in ONE P DF file. Include the names of all attendees and the purpose of the meal. Meals charged to your hotel room cannot be reimbursed unless you request an itemized receipt.
  • Alcohol: if any students (undergraduate or graduate) are expected to attend a meal or event, an Alcohol Use Report (AUR) must be completed and submitted 7 days prior to the event.
  • Books and materials: please submit an Expense-Report-Form and itemized receipts in ONE PDF file. Multiple receipt attachments will not be accepted. Please submit as frequently as possible; do not wait and accumulate dozens of receipts.

Reimbursement procedure for guest speaker and host:

  • All guests who will be reimbursed for travel expenses must complete a Statement of Travel Form and attach all receipts.
  • If you are the Host for a meal with guests, please submit an Expense-Report-Form with itemized receipt, and write on the form the names of everyone who attended.