Office Keys

Keys have been requested for those with new office assignments. If you haven’t received an email stating that a key request was submitted and you are supposed to get a new key, please contact Latricia Robinson-Allen ( You should receive another email when your key is ready to be picked up; then you will have 45 days to get the key from Access Services. If you do not pick up the key within 45 days, it is sent back and the department is charged $25.00, which will be billed to you.

If your key is lost or stolen, contact Safety and Security (216-368-3300) to file a police report; they will give you a police report number that Latricia will need to submit a request for a new key. You will be charged $50.00 for each key that needs to be replaced. The $50.00 is paid to Access Services when you go to pick up your new key. If you have an old office key please return it when you are picking up your new key.


Your mailbox is in Guilford 211. The mailboxes begin on the left side of the room (alphabetically). They continue on to the right side. If you don’t have a mailbox yet, please contact Susan Grimm (

For outgoing professional mail, please consult Susan to use the appropriate speedtype (account number). Mail goes out from the office in Guilford 106B.


To connect your computer to the Kyocera printer in Guilford 211 (on the right side as you walk in), or to report computer problems, please contact the UTech Service Desk at 216-368-4357 or

Printing and Copying

The copy machine in Guilford 211 will be filled with paper every morning. If you need additional copy paper it is located in 106B behind the door.

If you are an English Program faculty member, contact Susan Grimm ( for a copy machine code. If you are a Writing Program faculty member, use the general Writing Program 4-digit code–6924.

Please report all copy machine issues to the main office so a service call can be placed.