Current Work: English Department Publications and Activities
(July to December 2024)
Michele Tracy Berger’s book Doll Seed: Stories was published by Aunt Lute Books, 2024.
William Marling’s book From Ohio with Love: A Cold War Memoir was published in December 2024.
Marilyn Mobley’s book Toni Morrison and the Geopoetics of Place, Race, and Be/longing was published by Temple University Press, 2024.
Lindsay Turner‘s first poetry book, Songs & Ballads, was published in France as Chansons & Ballades (Joca Seria editions, translated by Stéphane Bouquet).
Articles, Essays, Chapters, Reviews
Elysia Balavage’s article “Orwell, Class, and Consumption: The Desecration of Bread in The Road to Wigan Pier“ appeared in English Studies (Nov. 2024).
A chapter from Caren Beilin‘s forthcoming novel Sea, Poison (New Directions, 2025) is the main text for the Dutch publication series, MsHeresies, which focuses on collaborative graphic design practices and the ornamental as a form of work critique. “A Manager,” which confronts the work of criminality in gynecology, is typeset together with edited printed matter from the archive of the Neapolitan feminist artist collective, Le Nemesiache, active between 1969 and 1995 in Italy.
Cara Byrne and Kristin Kondrlik (’16) recently published their article in Rhetoric of Health & Medicine:“We Can Be Heroes”: Identification, Superheroes, and the Visual Communication of Agency in Online Children’s Books about Covid 19.”
Michael Clune’s article “We Asked for It” appeared in The Chronicle of Higher Education (November 18, 2024).
Michael Clune’s piece “The Sight of Undeath” appeared in Cluny Journal (October 15, 2024.)
Michael Clune’s essay “The Anatomy of Panic” was reprinted in The Best American Essays 2024.
Miehael Clune’s essay “Celine’s War” appeared in The Point (Fall, 2024).
Michael Clune has an essay in the new special issue of Modern Philology on poetry, “Skylark Philosophy.”
Walt Hunter has a short article on the late poems of Stevens, Yeats, and Giovanni.
Walt Hunter wrote an article about Garth Greenwell’s new novel Small Rain for The Atlantic.
Walt Hunter has a short review article in American Literary History.
Kristine Kelly’s article “A Work, or a Walk, in Progress: Associative Practice in Ivan Vladislavić’s Portrait with Keys: The City of Johannesburg Unlocked” was published in The Ruptured Commons, Edited by Veronica Austen and Anna Guttman, Benjamins, 2024. 56-74.
Michelle Lyons-McFarland published “Review of On the Digital Humanities: Essays and Provocations, by Stephen Ramsay” at ABO: Interactive Journal for Women in the Arts, 1640-1830.
Ben Mauk co-wrote “The Long Road from Xinjiang” with the writer Nyrola Elimä which was published in the New York Times Magazine on November 10th. The story follows one man’s escape from China and long incarceration, part of their two-year investigation into a human smuggling route in Southeast Asia and China’s transnational repression of Uyghur asylum seekers.
Ben Mauk’s article “James C. Scott, the Ambivalent Anarchist” was published in The Nation.
Todd Oakley’s open access article was published with his research group in the journal Lingua
“Shocking projections: The rise of the [x-shock] construction in macroeconomics.”
Creative Works
Caren Beilin is included in the new Bloomsbury textbook Experimental Writing: A Writer’s Guide and Anthology (2024), particularly her piece “Freinds” (fanfic of Friends, the sitcom) for the chapter on “Creative Repurposing.”
Joe DeLong has three visual poems published in Diagram.
Mary Grimm has a new flash, “Painted on the Sky,” at Stirring.
Mary Grimm has a new flash up at Wensum.
Walt Hunter has two new poems in Community Mausoleum.
Lindsay Turner has three poems in the October 2024 issue of Poetry.
Lindsay Turner has six prose poems in the Cleveland Review of Books, issue 2.2
Interviews, Features, Panels
Mary Grimm is interviewed about her third book in JMWW.
In September, Jamie Hickner moderated a conversation between Rita Dove and Steven Pinker as part of the “When Artists Go to Work: The 2024 Anisfield-Wolf Book Award Author Symposium,” hosted by the Cleveland Foundation and the City Club of Cleveland. The event was part of Cleveland Book Week.
The work of Kurt Koenigsberger and Dave Lucas is featured in art/sci student monthly.
Ben Mauk interviewed the writer and historian Sarah Schulman about “what contemporary protest movements can learn from the history of AIDS activism” for The Diasporist, a just-launched Berlin-based magazine of new writing in English and German.
Journalist Eleanor Hayes interviewed Marilyn Mobley about her new book, Toni Morrison and the Geopoetics of Place, Race and Be/longing (Temple UP, 2024), at the Great Lakes African American Writers Conference (GLAAWC) on Saturday, October 5th, at the Lakeshore Branch of the Cleveland Public Library.
Marilyn Mobley was interviewed on the Julianne Malveaux Radio Show, WPFW, Washington, DC, August 26, 2024.
Marilyn Mobley was interviewed with MLA President, Dana Williams, at Politics and Prose, Washington, DC, September 5, 2024.
Marilyn Mobely was interviewed with poet Ethelbert Miller on “On the Margin,” WPFW, Washington, DC, October 3, 2024.
In October, Marilyn Mobley was interviewed about her book, Toni Morrison and the Geopoetics of Place, Race, and Be/longing, with poet Parneshia Jones at American Writers Museum in Chicago.
Marilyn Mobley discussed her new book at Elizabeth’s Bookshop in Akron, her hometown. Carla Davis, former director of marketing and communications at the Akron-Summit County Public Library and former president and board chair of the Akron Press Club moderated the discussion about Toni Morrison and the Geopoetics of Place, Race, and Be/longing (Temple, 2024).
Robin Beth Schaer took part in a panel conversation on “The Beautiful Struggle” as part of the Case Western Reserve University’s Social Justice Institute Think Tank featuring a keynote address by Marc Lamont Hill in October.
Maggie Vinter is featured in Discussions: The Undergraduate Research Journal for CWRU.
Marion Wolfe and Gabrielle Parkin, along with Peer Writing Fellows Sarah Secrest, Pehel Patel, Bernice Eads, and Vani Subramony, presented the roundtable “Product Over Process: Negotiating Conversations about AI at a STEM-Focused University” at the International Writing Center Association’s annual conference.
Keynote Speech, Lectures, Readings
On Friday, November 8th, Michael Clune presented “Esoteric Art” at Boston University.
Joe DeLong presented his paper “Fantastical Disorders in Haruki Murakami’s Fiction” at MMLA.
Gusztav Demeter presented “Directed self-placement for multilingual writers: Providing student agency to placement into an ecology of first-year college writing” at The 20th Symposium on Second Language Writing in November.
Walt Hunter offered a Business Workshop with Abigail Cloud and Alyssa Perry at Literary Cleveland’s Inkubator Conference on Saturday, September 21st: “Editing with an Eye Towards Publication.”
Kristine Kelly presented a paper, “Making micro-choices in Dan Hett’s ‘C ya laterrrr’,” at the Electronic Literature Organization Conference in July.
Dave Lucas will take part in the First Wednesday Reader Series along with Roger Craik on September 4th in Youngstown.
Marilyn Mobley took part in a book Discussion at Busboys and Poets Tacoma Store, Washington, DC, October 17, 2024.
James Newlin delivered the Dr. Paul J. Kane Memorial Lecture at Concord University on Thursday, November 7th. His paper was titled: “Signs and Semblances: The Problem of Likability in Some Recent Productions of Much Ado About Nothing.”
Steve Pinkerton and Elysia Balavage presented at “Literary Cleveland Presents: A Tribute to Franz Kafka,” an event that marked the centenary of Kafka’s death.
Robin Beth Schaer gave a poetry reading in September during Ingenuityfest inside one of the featured art installations.
On December 3rd, Rob Spadoni presented “Style in Star Trek,” a Faculty Work-in-Progress Lecture.
Michele Tracy Berger was a guest on the podcast Ink in Your Veins,
Michele Tracy Berger was a guest on the podcast Emma Dhesi Author Interviews (‘What is Elevated Horror?’)
Michele Tracy Berger was a guest on the podcast Our Opinions Are Correct,
Michele Tracy Berger was a guest on the podcast Writer Craft (‘Writing as a Black Woman in the Speculative Fiction Genre’).
Michael Clune is featured on a new podcast, The Zach Show.
William Marling’s podcast “Anarchism and Rhetoric” in 2023 has been reprised at 6 or7 different sites in 2024. Among them:
On July 31st, Ben Mauk took part in a virtual panel at the Goethe Institute in Chicago. Here is the podcast version of the Goethe Institute event, published on Gegenüber, the digital magazine of the Goethe-Institut in North America.
Ben Mauk takes part in this episode of Not to Forgive but to Understand on “The Long Road from Xinjiang”.
Lindsay Turner interviewed Stella Corso in BOMB magazine (December 2024)
Mary Grimm‘s flash has been nominated for Best Microfiction 2025.
Thrity Umrigar is a finalist for the Ohioana Book Award in Fiction for her novel The Museum of Failure.
Screenplay Options
Michael Clune’s memoir Gamelife was optioned for a screenplay (November, 2024).
Current Work: English Department Publications
(January to June 2024)
The Spanish translation of Robin Beth Schaer‘s poetry collection Shipbreaking has been published by Komorebi Ediciones in Chile. The book was translated by Agustina Pardini and Eleonora González Capria.
Articles, Essays, Chapters
Elysia Balavage has a short piece, titled “Rebellious Space and Radical Movement: The Dil Pickle Club of Tooker Alley,” published in Genealogies of Modernity.
George Blake‘s article “Addressing the injustice of Cuyahoga County’s pre-trial detention policy,” recently appeared in The Land.
Cara Byrne and Kristin Kondrlik (’16) recently published their article “Rainbows in the Window: Static Childhood in COVID-19 Children’s Picture Books” in New Directions in Childhood Studies: Innocence, Trauma, and Agency in the Twenty-first Century.
Michael Clune’s article “Questions of Judgment” (invited response to special issue on his book A Defense of Judgment) appeared in Modern Fiction Studies (May, 2024).
Michael Clune’s article “What Modern Art Learned from Balloons” appeared in Blimp Biannual 001 (Spring, 2024).
Michael Clune’s book review of Oliver Wunsch, A Delicate Matter (Penn State, 2024) appeared in Critical Inquiry (May, 2024).
Michael Clune participated in a roundtable on “Criticism and Truth” in the Chronicle of Higher Education, January 30, 2024.
Michael Clune has an essay in the special issue of Modern Philology on poetry, “Skylark Philosophy.”
Michael Clune has a new article in Genre: “John Guillory’s Distortions.
Walt Hunter has an article in The Atlantic: “The Two Women Who Wrote as ‘Michael Field.’”
Walt Hunter offered a few cultural picks for The Atlantic’s weekly newsletter.
Walt Hunter has an essay on “Lowell and War” in the collection Robert Lowell in Context
Megan Jewell‘s essay “First Feminism” in Rachel Blau DuPlessis’s Drafts: ‘Draft 49’ as Counter Archive” appears in Thinking with the Poem: Essays on the Poetry and Poetics of Rachel Blau DuPlessis from the University of New Mexico Press.
Michelle Lyons-McFarland published “Review of On the Digital Humanities: Essays and Provocations, by Stephen Ramsay” at ABO: Interactive Journal for Women in the Arts, 1640-1830.
Alexandra Magearu has an essay on Arab American anti-war poetry in Michigan Quarterly Review.
Steve Pinkerton’s review essay, “Ralph Ellison, Democracy, and American Vernacular Culture,” will appear in Resources for American Literary Study, 45.1.
Stephanie Redekop‘s article “The New Essay Studies” (a review of the Cambridge Companion to the Essay and the Edinburgh Companion to the Essay) was published in Genre.
Lindsay Turner‘s essay “Translating Utopia: Stéphane Bouquet’s Queer Futurities” was published in the May 2024 issue of Romanic Review.
Thrity Umrigar had a review of Amitava Kumar’s My Beloved Life published in the New York Times.
Recorded Podcasts, Interviews, Readings
Cara Byrne was a guest on the Just in Case podcast.
Michael Clune was interviewed about “The Anatomy of Panic,” The Point: Selected Essays podcast, April 30, 2024.
Michael Clune is interviewed about White Out on the podcast Callie of Nonfiction with Callie Hitchcock.
The Ohio Center for the Book hosted this reading with Lindsay Turner and Noah Falck during poetry month.
Creative Work
Hayden’s Ferry Review published five of Joe DeLong’s visual poems on their companion site The Dock, along with an interview about DeLong’s artistic practice.
Mary Grimm‘s memoir piece is up at The New Yorker.
Mary Grimm‘s flash, “When He Died,” is up at New World Writing.
Mary Grimm has a story in the Winter/Spring 2024 issue of Alaska Quarterly Review: “Simone de Beauvoir is Living on Mars.”
Mary Grimm has a flash in the Mersey Review.
Mary Grimm‘s story “Ghost Heart” was published in the spring 2024 issue of the Colorado Revi
Walt Hunter has two new poems in Community Mausoleum.
Walt Hunter‘s poem, Translation Without Angels, was published in the New York Review:
William Marling‘s photo “Said’s Book Shop,” from his book Killers in Tutus (2017), plays a role in the documentary “Chanting of the Dunes” directed by Mokhless Al-Hariri.
Lindsay Turner‘s poem “Forms of Displeasure” is on Poetry Daily
English Department Publications (July to December, 2023)
Walt Hunter, Some Flowers. Madhat Press, 2023.
James Newlin, Uncanny Fidelity: Recognizing Shakespeare in Twenty-First-Century Film and Television. Strode Series in Renaissance Literature and Culture of the University of Alabama Press, 2023.
James Newlin, co-editor. New Psychoanalytic Readings of Shakespeare: Cool Reason and Seething Brains. Routledge, 2023.
Lindsay Turner, translator. Liliane Gouradon’s Sphinx. Litmus Press, 2023.
Lindsay Turner, The Upstate. Phoenix Press, 2023.
Thrity Umrigar, The Museum of Failures. Algonquin Books, 2023.
Articles, Essays, Chapters
George Blake‘s article about the progress of lead safety in Cleveland has been published in The Land.
George Blake’s article “Repairing homes, supporting home ownership: Home Repair Resource Center offers help,” was published in The Land.
Michael Clune‘s essay, “What is an Author?” was published in the 50th anniversary issue of Critical Inquiry.
Michael Clune has a review of Sasha Frere-Jones’s Earlier (Semiotexte, 2023) at Bookforum.
Michael Clune has a piece on AI and grade inflation at the Chronicle of Higher Education.
Vicki Daniels‘s article “‘A Harrowing and Laborious Occupation’: Preservation in the 1904 General Slocum Disaster Identifications” was published in the death studies journal Mortality.
Walt Hunter‘s essay on Claudia Jones’s poetry, “Radical Black Poetics and South-South Movement,” is out in this new book edited by Angela Naimou.
Walt Hunter writes about Louise Glück in The Atlantic on the occasion of her death.
Alexandra Magearu has an essay on Arab American anti-war poetry in Michigan Quarterly Review.
Steve Pinkerton‘s review essay, “Ralph Ellison, Democracy, and American Vernacular Culture,” will appear in Resources for American Literary Study, 45.1.
Stephanie Redekop‘s article “The New Essay Studies” (a review of the Cambridge Companion to the Essay and the Edinburgh Companion to the Essay) was published in Genre.
Robert Rowan‘s article, “Student Self-Diagnostics: Engaging Students as Co-Respondents to Their Own Writing,” was published in the Fall 2023 issue (9.2) of Journal of Response to Writing.
Thrity Umrigar‘s essay, “The Divided Self is Every Immigrant’s Legacy,” appeared in Literary Hub.
Marion Wolfe has a chapter in an edited collection. Her essay is co-written with Elizabeth Rodrigues and is titled “Post-it as Praxis: Counternarrating Non-linearity and Multiplicity in Academic Lives” from the collection Career Narratives and Academic Womanhood: In the Spaces Provided, edited by Lisa Ortiz-Vilarelle.
Creative Work
Joseph DeLong‘s visual poems “Titled City” and “Aleatory” and his poems “Here in the Galaxy” and “The Human Year” are out in issue 27 of Redactions.
Mary Grimm‘s flash “Don’t Look” was published by Roifaineant Press.
Mary Grimm‘s flash “Dr. No” has been published in Corvus Review.
Mary Grimm’s flash “Dorothy Wordsworth, Secret Agent” has been published in Lothlorien Journal.
Mary Grimm‘s flash, “List of No,” has been published in Border Crossing
Mary Grimm has a flash up at Does It Have Pockets: “The Marriage of Poets May Sarton and Henry David Thoreau.”
Mary Grimm has a short story, “Under the Hill,” in the anthology Cleveland Noir.
Mary Grimm‘s story “Sierraville” has been published in Carve Magazine.
Mary Grimm‘s story “Temporal Instability” has been published in Laurel Review.
Mary Grimm‘s story “Wednesdays” has been published in Halfway Down the Stairs.
Mary Grimm‘s story “What You Can Take” has been published in Ocotillo Review.
Dave Lucas has a poem published in Switchyard, a newish magazine out of the University of Tulsa.
Alexandra Magearu published a short story about the criminalization of abortion in 1980s Romania in the other side of hope.
Lindsay Turner‘s poem “Dogwood” is featured on Poetry Daily.
Lindsay Turner‘s poem “The Forest / Wanting a Child” was published in The New York Review.
Thrity Umrigar has a short story in the anthology Cleveland Noir.
Recorded Interviews, Podcasts
Michael Clune gave a reading on Montez Press Radio.
Michael Clune was interviewed on the Australian podcast What Happens Next? about Gamelife.
William Marling’s podcast “Anarchism and Rhetoric” aired on the Anarchist Essays website.